Not all toons are for kids!

Mike A. Fairbanks @Toonshed


Joined on 2/9/19

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Welcome to Toonshed on Newgrounds!

Posted by Toonshed - February 9th, 2019

Hellooooo Newgrounds!

My name is Mike A. Fairbanks. Thank you for checking out the page for my online... brand... kinda... thingy. Toonshed! Let me explain it all...

About Me!

I'm just a 21 year old student... You know, minding my own business and stuff... I also happen to be an Animator, Voice Actor, Screenwriter, Songwriter and Musician when my University doesn't drop work on me like a ton of bricks.

I've got a pretty good idea of where my passion to animate originated from. I'm putting the blame for this one on the amount of cartoons I watched as a kid. I swear, before school, after school, all weekend when my dad was at work, I just couldn't stop. I think 99% of the things I watched on TV back in the day was cartoons, and I didn't really like watching anything that was live action.

I ended up starting computer animation (pretty badly back in the day) in December 2006/age 8. Most of my animations are far too embarrassing to show; they were made in MS 3D Movie Maker, which was already 11 years old at the time! Maybe I might put it up one day, I dunno... But my shit animations taught me to polish up the other skills I need to make a good animation video, and that meant making good music, being a good voice actor, writing an epic & captivating story, editing a video to "broadcast-grade" standards, but most importantly, animating well.

About Toonshed...

The whole idea of having a platform to showcase animation came about in June 2007... at the time I wanted to have my own TV channel, like Cartoon Network and Toonami, and I was already gonna call it "Goldhill Toons" and have lots of my own animations on the channel. Now that I think of it, that was really fucking ambitious for 9 year old Mike.

To be honest, only just one major thing I've been working on has existed since that time, but many of the ideas behind the shows I'm working on now came from 2013, when my intention to use a small animation software, Muvizu, played a role in combining my creative writing and animating for regular releases.

The name “Toonshed” was something I eventually decided in December 2014 as an reference to a garden shed, which obviously has a variety of tools and objects are stored. Think of it this way... In Toonshed’s case, the shed = the platform where I'm gonna put up my animations (Newgrounds, YouTube, etc), and the variety of tools in the shed = the animations I'm gonna be releasing.

Creating animated series for an older audience is something I love to do, and I seriously cannot wait to finish and upload the first few for you all to enjoy and krave MOAR!

Social Media Links:

First things first... If i've piqued your interest from that little story, I STRONGLY encourage you to check out my update videos on some 'behind the scenes' stuff on the Toonshed YouTube Channel:


Goldhill Toonshed on:

Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

Myself on:


Thanks for reading!!

-Mike A. Fairbanks



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